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Key Issues


Local Community Control

State and national policies should not be pushed onto rural Hoosiers without the input of our local communities. Our community leaders, not Indianapolis bureaucrats, should decide what is best for us. I will represent the voice of our communities, not lobbyists or interest groups.



Farmers are the backbone of our state. I'll support our local farmers by advocating for pro-agriculture policies and cutting unnecessary regulations. Farmers, not bureaucrats, know what is best for their land.


Constitutional Rights & Freedom

As a veteran and constitutional conservative, I will always defend the Constitution. I will fight to ensure that every Hoosier has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


2nd Amendment

As a Patriot life member of the NRA, I’ll protect your right to bear arms. I’ll ensure that your right to defend yourself and your family is never taken away by any politician.



District 13 schools have been a model of success. As a high school teacher, I know what it takes to give our students the education needed to succeed. I’ll be a voice for students, parents, and teachers to improve Hoosier student outcomes.


Fiscal Responsibility

In the Statehouse, I’ll oppose tax increases and reduce spending by exposing government waste, fraud, and abuse. I’ll work to ensure that Indiana’s economy is in great shape for future generations.

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